
Sorry or not sorry? Shouldn't it be assassinate or not assassinate?

But check out the gallery, it made me feel so guilty. I feel so sorry for all my beloved Damn Yankees. Well, apart from Alex, he's angry with me for signing him up on the Jessica Simpson mailing list.


Check this short film that a friend in Helsinki sent. It might a take a while to download but it's worth it.


Now this is what I'm talkin' about.


Originally uploaded by <MARGE>.
And this was Cindy at the beginning of the evening!


Originally uploaded by <MARGE>.
Her Japanese friend Azusa will now be known as 'Azusa-da-puke-a'. I think it was the B52 shots I made them have. You wanna come over to London and expect marge to entertain you? Now you know what to expect.


I never thought I'd seriously feel like this, but I'm glad I don't live in America anymore. I don't mean to offend my friends in the States; it isn't nice when a foreigner gives a negative view of your own country. But it's a sad day not just for America but also for the UK. And unfortunately for the rest of the world too.