
I've been waiting a long time to write this in my blog. I marge; the margeist marge of them all, has just got a NEW JOB. I am a Graphic Designer once more and that's official. I start work on Monday with an agency called KBW. Or KBDubya as I like to call them, that's right; I'm pro Dubya now.

It's a good agency about 12/14 people in size. The website (and work on it) is old but they do a lot of nice work. It was formed in 1995 by a couple of ex-Saatchi Creative Directors. And the financial + benefits package is pretty good too, so now I can afford to eat, woohoo food! It's based in a really nice quiet street off 'Regent Street' right in the heart of Central London, somehow I feel that I'll be spending a lot of time in the pub that's on the corner.

I had a second interview with them this morning and everything was a done deal by the time I left. I felt kind of strange on the way home, I've been struggling for so long it hasn't sunk in yet. It's going to be tough next week as there's going to be a huge workload, but that's the way when you start a new job. So I've to chill over the weekend and get my design head together.

Phew, now I've got 3-1 odds on me being fired by Christmas, any takers?


Blogger monkistan said...

Congratulations on the job marge (I'm trying to be the bigger man, even though yuo hate me). I hope that it goes well. Good Luck!

4:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm more wondering how long is it before you put this company out of business.

4:32 pm  
Blogger marge said...

Like I said, Christmas before I ruin them. And thanks Silver, I still hate you though.

6:41 pm  
Blogger gulshan said...

congratulations, bitch!

7:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Now you can afford those off-season fares to Nashville (or L.A.).


7:57 pm  
Blogger marge said...

Joel, I'm only gonna come to the wedding if you put 'flash' as a middle name for one of your kids, besides I made a deal with Julie so you have to or you get no 'special privileges'.

8:09 pm  
Blogger alex eben meyer said...

i think that i speak for all of marge's friends (uh, hello? anyone?) when i say, it's about damn time.

sheesh, you've been unemployed for so long a lot of things have happened. where to was discovered that the world is round, dinosaurs became extinct and the redsox won the world series (wtf!?). also, marmite was determined to increase lifespan (boo!) and shorten penis length and girth (haha! sucker).

all in all, congratulations marge, and now maybe you will finally be able to pay me back that five bucks you owe me!

8:25 pm  
Blogger monkistan said...

The red sox won, marge got a job, I knew there was something wonky about this year.

10:30 pm  
Blogger marge said...

'Wonky?' What the fuck is wonky? That's so gay, even I'm embarrassed for you.

11:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Margie!! We knew you could do it! Really, we did. No, really.
much love, samantha

8:22 am  
Blogger marge said...

Hey Sammy, aren't you supposed to be at a wedding in India? But thanks, I had my first day today which wasn't too bad; got a wedgy and someone gave me a wet willy, which in England really is a wet willy...

11:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY M. wow, i had no idea i could catch up on you by reading all this on the internet. i am breathing now - after finishing yet another school application - i seem to be collecting schools the way some women collect shoes! heading to Canada next with pj and the kids. have fun today! come back for a visit? xo, CHRISTY

4:20 pm  

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