

So yesterday afternoon I was again trudging my way to another interview. This was a quick 15 minute review to screen designers for possible second interviews and to build up a freelance pool etc. And also just enough time for yours truly to get on his knees to cry and beg for a job like Silver with a reluctant hooker. The studio was a couple of floors above a cafe and I had some time to kill, so I went in to buy a bottle of water. They had one of those charity boxes on the counter which I dropped some change into for some good karma. I thought 25p for a job was a fair trade. I had a good interview and to keep the good karma going I gave directions to some guy on the way back home. I don't know if he needed them but that's not the point.

And the point is that everything always balances out.

I get home feeling good and all but in the back of my mind I'm thinking that somethings going to happen to piss me off before that end of the day. Right. There was a rejection letter from some Xmas job I applied for, which I thought was just kinda silly. But later in the day I call up this guy who was a friend of a friend I met last week in some bar. He's a designer from Australia and I thought might be able to help me with some contacts yeah? And he's all like 'yeah dude totally, call me later in the week' etc. So I call, and you know what he said? He said he'd changed his mind and decided not to help me out as we'd be competing for the same jobs... Which is a load of bollox as he works in production and NOT creative like me. He sounded so laid back about it too, like it didn't matter that he gave his word in good faith to help a bloke out. I was actually speechless from the pettiness of his attitude. What a fucking' jackass son of a bitch; fuck off back to Australia you slimy pompous assed fucker. I hope your Mother gets violently buggered by a Kangaroo you shithead.

And thus, the natural karma of the day was restored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did you do in a former life to have this life shit on you so repeatedly?

2:32 pm  
Blogger marge said...

Your Mother.

10:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it's all the hostility?

2:32 pm  
Blogger marge said...

Oh whatever it was it must have been frikin' spectacular.

4:21 pm  

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